Anyone who shoots a gun will know of the fouling and residues that can build up in the bore and the action. Fouling generally includes copper lead and carbon and even plastics for most shooters. Build-up of these residues can impact shooting accuracy. Not something you want when sighted in on the trophy buck of a lifetime or that big hog you have been after for 3 seasons.
When hunting or shooting in rain or snow it is inevitable that rust may form on your prized firearm. Particularly if it has been scratched when walking through the brush or climbing a tree stand. Having a good protective layer on your gun will help prevent this rust from destroying your firearm.
Anyone who shoots a gun should also know the importance of cleaning and maintaining a firearm. This ensures it is in perfect working order at all times.
As a hunter and shooter I have tried and tested many gun cleaning products over the years, and so have my buddies. So I put together this best gun cleaning solvent comparison and give you our personal ratings on each.
This buyer’s guide for gun cleaning solvents is in three sections. Best gun cleaning solvents. Best gun cleaning oils. Best multi-purpose gun cleaning, lubricating and protecting products. Called CLPs.
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My Rant
I probably spend too much time on the internet looking at hunting and gun websites. I am amazed at the number of sites I found discussing gun cleaning products by people who have clearly never shot a gun in their life. So beware of the internet experts. Some of them I discovered do not even know the difference between a solvent and an oil!
One site even suggested leaving a powerful gun solvent in the barrel during storage.
I am a hunter and I shoot guns. Me and my buddies use these products!
(Rant Over)
What Does The Best Gun Cleaning Solvent Do?
Put simply, a top rated gun cleaning solvent will remove the residues left after each time you fire a round. The best gun cleaning solvents will dissolve these residues and lift away any remaining fouling from your firearm.
Typically they contain some pretty heavy duty chemicals to achieve this outcome. There are some gun cleaning solvents that offer a non toxic and biodegradable formula if that is your thing.
Best Gun Cleaning Solvent Comparison Table
Our best gun cleaning solvent pick:- Hoppes No. 9 Bore Solvent (Liquid)
Simply the best gun cleaning solvent available. Stood the test of time.
What Does The Best Gun Lubricating Oil Do?
Simply put the best gun oils help keep your firearm from jamming and malfunctioning. Friction between moving parts is reduced.
The best gun lubricating oils help prevent rust build up on your firearm.
When storing your firearm you should alway apply a thin coating of a top rated gun oil first.
Best Gun Cleaning Oils Comparison Table
Our best gun oil pick Slip 2000 EWL30
Works well in harsher conditions and on all materials.
What Does The Best Gun Cleaning Lubricating And Protector Do? CLP
There are many gun cleaning solvents, lubes and protectors that offer an all in one solution. These are referred to as CLP’s – Cleans, Lubricates and Protects.
I like to use these for a quicker clean or for when a really thorough clean is not required. See my summary at the end where I warn of over cleaning your firearm
That said, CLP’s certainly make it into some of the best gun cleaning solvents money can buy. There is also the added benefit of not having to buy seperate gun cleaning oils and lubricants. My only negative is that for a heavily fouled barrel, I find you need a dedicated stronger gun cleaning solvent than most of the CLP’s provide.
Best Gun Cleaning Lubricating And Protection Comparison Table
Our best gun CLP pick(s)
- CLP Sage and Braker – premium
- F W Klever Ballistol CLP – best value for money
One very important and often Controversial Point is:- Do not over clean your firearm.
Read this How To Guide on The Best Way To Clean A Bolt Action Rifle
Solvents, in particular, are designed to be harsh. Despite what manufacturers claim that’s how they remove all the copper, lead, carbon, and plastic built up in your barrel and action. Not to mention cleaning the rust and removing other dirt and grime.
I generally give my rifle a quick field clean with a bore snake if out hunting for a period of time. How often you give it a thorough clean is really up to you but I would say once per 500 rounds is more than enough.
There are no real exact answers because different ammunition will leave different amounts of fouling. Different caliber guns will also collect residues at different rates. The weather and dirtiness of the shooting or hunting conditions will also play a role in determining how often your firearm needs a thorough clean versus a quick field clean.
The exception to this is that all firearms should be lubricated when storing. Apply a thin layer of good quality gun oil to prevent rust build-up while your gun is not out in the field.
So know your firearm and then decide on the best gun cleaning solvent and gun cleaning lubrication for your needs.
From one hunter and shooter to another I hope you have got some value out of this gun cleaning solvent and gun cleaning oil review and buyers guide.
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